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I believe that great things can be accomplished collectively by getting organized and coming together.  Together with employers, educators, recruiters, and the government, we can address the workforce gap in North Idaho!

Josh Wise Talent Pipeline Manager

Today Businesses are seeking to build an increasingly skilled and diverse workforce. Meanwhile, more and more learners and workers are seeking employment and career advancement while this seems like a simple pairing. There's a problem. Many employers are still searching for a strategic and sustainable talent pipeline without it their employment outcomes so often fall short of expectations. Talent Pipeline Management (TPM) is a tool that can help.  The TPM framework is a collection of six strategies that are based on industry best practices and provide employers with a data driven approach to identifying, developing, and sourcing talent. Utilizing supply chain management principles, these six strategies are ROI driven, allowing employers to take the lead building, meaningful partnerships with educators and training providers, measuring their success and creating employment and career advancement pathways for a skilled workforce 


Organize for Employer Leadership and Collaboration


Project Critical Job Demand

Align & Communicate Job Requirements



Analyze Talent Supply


Build Talent Supply Chains


Engage in Continuous Improvement & Resiliency Planning

This initiative is supported by the Idaho workforce Development Council, whose leadership and grant funding help make these collaborative workforce solutions possible. together, we are equipping Idaho’s businesses with data-driven strategies to address workforce shortages and build a stronger, more competitive industry.

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